The cost of armouring the car depends upon the variables like the level of protection you require, the luxury and other features you intend to install, the type of car you want to reinforce, and finally the company you intend the render the responsibility of armouring. However, before considering the level of protection, you need to first identify the probable threats and the sources of threats you may likely to face. If you have potential threats from the terrorists, then your protection level must be to the apex level involving perfect security measures which can tackle grenade, bomb, gas attacks etc. If you are scared of kidnappers, accordingly your security measures must be more on bullet firing and other means of protection specifically to tackle the kidnappers. But on the other hand, it is true that you can never be sure about the source of threat because nothing is definite as far as risks are there. Therefore, get the professional assistance of ballistic protection vehicles at Troy Armoring for the appropriate level of protection recommendation for your armouring of vehicle.
You can do the armouring either fully or partially. If you want partial protection and start with your window protection from the bullet and other hazardous attacks, decide what level of protection you require. It can go from level 2 to 8 which can protect you from 7.62 AP. You can then think of the protection of your panels and gas tank. But then you must decide whether you need all panels to be protected or only certain panels. The third aspect you must concentrate on protecting the tyres which are vital. Eventually, the cost of bulletproof of your car tires are less than bulletproof any other parts of your car. But while bulletproof of your car, you must consider what type of security measure you intend to do. Do you require protection against spike strips or bullets?
The next security measure is to address the interior which begins with the engine. You must choose the right engine protection against bullet shot. Similarly, the floor is crucial when you consider armouring of your car. The floor of your car has to be grenade or bomb- proof in order to protect you from grenade and bomb blasts.
Now, when it comes to cost, you should be ready to spend 42,500 USD for partial armouring of your car. On the other hand, if you intend to armour your car fully, you need to spend around 62,500 USD that will give you full security.