car tyres

This might seem logical, but most people don’t seem to think about it. They keep on driving regardless of the weather or the what condition their tyres are in. There tends to be very little knowledge of how important the tyres actually are and how important they are for your safety. The safety aspect is extra important during the winter season when you have snow, ice or slush as it is so much more challenging to drive on than summer roads.

The difference between having winter tyres mounted on your vehicle is huge and it will determine how much control you have over your vehicle. With summer tyres, you will have almost no grip on ice. This means that you won’t be able to control the direction of your car or can get it to stop. The ability to control our vehicles is crucial, therefore there is no real option except getting winter tyres that can provide the necessary grip and performance during the winter. If you live in an area where the winters are not very harsh, where you seldom have temperatures below zero or only limited days with snow, you might manage with tyres that can handle a range of weather conditions and surfaces, but if you do have real winters with snow, ice and slush, there is no reason why you would not get a set of winter tyres to be used during the winter.

On ice you need winter tyres that have been designed with this in mind. The winter tyres have a completely different rubber compound and tread design than summer tyres. This is what makes them so great on slippery surfaces. For studded tyres, they rely on metal studs that are integrated into the thread surface to give traction on ice. They also have wide grooves to manage slush and avoid slushplaning. The non-studded tyres has a special rubber compound with integrated grip particles that creates the traction without the studs.

Once you have settled for the tyres that are great for you and your vehicle, make sure that they are of high quality. They will be safer, more economical and be more wear-resistant, so that that they will last longer and not have to be replaced as often.Winter tyres regardless if you choose studded or non-studded will need to be paired with summer tyres for the warm seasons like spring, summer and early autumn.

Areas with less frequent winters could use all-season tyres that are winter approved and can be used all-year round. These tyres have are like a combination of non-studded winter tyres and summer tyres and can therefore be used all year without having to change tyres. The tread is a combination of a summer pattern and a winter pattern so it handles just as good on dry and wet summer roads as it does on snowy and icy winter roads. This is a very convenient option for areas where you have very unstable weather or where you can drive a few hours and go skiing or then drive to the coast for a swim without having to worry about what tyres you have.

For more information regarding winter tyres, visit:

